Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Guiness Evolution's Ad

In this ad, it is easy to understand the story: it is the story of human evolution. From strange little animals to what we are today, we have the chance to see human evolution in a humorous way. There’s no need of dialogue as it is a beer advertisement. Actors interact by being together from the start to the end. There’s no narrator as well, as the images speak for themselves. It is a humorous ad, and was made with the goal to make people laugh. Instead of a conversation, the ad uses glorious music that captivates the viewer. There are a lot of special effects in this ad: dinosaurs, ice, big bang, and everything going fast forward. It makes this ad even more interesting and impressive. The only words that we can see in the ad are the name of the beer and the slogan. This commercial is trying to reach alcohol consumers, mostly boys. The main message is to convince people to drink this beer: the ‘’best’’ beer. It is a very successful ad that inspires us to drink this fantastic beer.

David Francoeur and Ghyslain Aubut

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