Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Create R-Us Web site

The site that we have chosen shows clearly the author and the sponser. There is even a link about them, but it does not say lot about them beside their names. In the text there are some miss spellings . The subjet is about cloning celebrity people on animals such as dogs, cats or even snakes. The structure of this site seems appropriate even though the colors would be better adapted for color blind people. The Informations along with the colors lack credibility in such a way that no one in their right mind could possibly believe that this site is not a joke.This site was last updated on 00/03/07. We don’t know where the owner or creator comes from so we are deeply misinformed. This site is trying to sell clones of celebrities or even pets. There is no publicity but it’s clearly a hoax because it's impossible to clone people without having health problems! Anyway, cloning people like Micheal Jackson is far from being credible. They even tell us that if we want to clone our snake we just have to buy another one!


me(Sophie Dion Galarneau)
you (Jolène Brillon)
and her (Marie-Eve )

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